Your fast track to evaluation boards for new electronics components
ipXchange, the only community for electronics design engineers that speeds up your discovery, selection and evaluation of components.
ipXchange will provide you with a regular stream of news and technical guidance about important component types such as microcontrollers, memory, wireless and wired communications devices, and more. ipXchange is developing partnerships with some of the most interesting component manufacturers in the world. ipXchange members will be the first to learn about the evaluation boards these manufacturers produce, alongside information about the components which these tools support.
When you find a component you like, evaluating it could not be simpler:
- Click the ‘Apply for the Development Board’ button.
- Submit the online board request form.
- ipXchange will liaise with the relevant manufacturer to get an evaluation kit delivered to you.
- In the instance the technology isn’t the right fit, ipXchange will seek alternatives for you.
The makers of ipXchange
ipXchange is a TKO Marketing Consultants company. TKO’s sales and marketing services have been helping semiconductor companies and other electronics component manufacturers and marketers to succeed in this ultra-competitive business for almost 30 years. Now TKO is putting the knowledge and skills it has learned to work on behalf of design engineers, to help them get faster, more convenient access to dev boards and other technical resources, and to discover new parts and manufacturers which are – today – outside the world’s top 20 biggest suppliers to the electronics industry.
The ipXchange team
Guy Forster – Founder, CEO, and media personality
Rhianna Ogle – Head of operations
Dr. Eamon Standing – Chief content creator, writer, and media personality
Jake Morris – Community manager and digital content creator
Harry Forster – Community support and digital content creator
Luke Forster – Community support
Tim Weekes – Content writer and editorial consultant
Jon Mays – Graphic designer and digital content creator