Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedure of how we are able to successfully operate while remaining completely unbiased and agnostic to our community.

We research the semiconductor industry in-house to produce our own content about innovation, as well as any useful information for electronics design engineers.

If, through ipXchange’s content or community outreach, an engineer finds technology that they would like to evaluate or source for use in a legitimate commercial design, said engineer would fill out an application form for the aforementioned technology. In this application form, said engineer would be required to describe details of their project, including but not limited to the end use of the technology, volumes required, development timeline, and estimated time to market. Once ipXchange is able to confirm the commercial viability of the enquiry, ipXchange would contact the technology’s provider to request a free sample and/or consultancy between the engineer and the technology’s provider.

If the sample or consultancy facilitated by ipXchange and its content or community outreach results in the integration of the sampled or consulted technology into an end product that goes into production for market, ipXchange receives commission from the technology’s provider as a reward for facilitating the original design lead.

With the aim of providing the most accurate information, we may collaborate with manufacturers to develop a deeper understanding of their technology – we do not receive financial compensation for doing so, nor for promoting such products, as we only create content we believe to be useful to our members.

To guarantee the most effective and efficient outcome, we maintain and oversee contact on both ends throughout the process, with the simple end goal of ensuring the project turns into a product.

Contact Us

ipXchange reserves the right to remove or suspend support for technology previously shared with the community when supply issues, inability to liaise with manufacturers, acquisitions, or other scenarios affect reliable sourcing or communications. Please feel free to contact us directly at our ipXchange office by email at info@ipxchange.tech for further assistance or questions.

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