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Fast-track AWS-connected IoT product development: WizzDev’s first commercial dev board at EDS 

In our penultimate interview from EDS 2023, ipXchange chats with Łukasz from WizzDev about two projects from this IoT design/development company. WizzDev is an official hardware and software partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and bases many of its builds around Espressif’s ESP32 chipsets, so let’s dive into what WizzDev’s AWS expertise can bring to your next project before you make the decision to design for competing cloud services like Microsoft Azure IoT or Google Cloud IoT. 

The first board Łukasz shows us is the IoT Basic development board, a simple system for evaluating the performance of WizzDev’s preconfigured AWS solution in conjunction with Espressif’s ESP32-WROOM-32D Wi-Fi + Bluetooth SoC. WizzDev provides these evaluation kits at low cost for independent use or as a gateway to its design services, or alternatively, all the files and component lists are available to make this board yourself. It can be used to easily create proof-of-concepts for sensor nodes in smart home or smart city applications thanks to the onboard temperature-and-humidity sensor and UART and I2C pins for connecting your own peripherals. There is even a version with an on-board charging circuit for power via a Li-ion battery. 

We then discuss one of the projects WizzDev has worked on for a customer, a compact ESP32-based, AWS-connected smart-plug that monitors the energy consumption per individual device. Manufacturers can then use this to prove that their devices are saving energy and claim the carbon credits back – Hey, if you can sell saving the planet, why not? Typical products include electric heaters and other high-power appliances, and WizzDev provided the PCB and firmware development to turn the customer’s idea into a reality, so consider them as a partner if you want to reap similar benefits. 

We’ve written up the IoT Basic board on a dedicated board page that you can find by following the link below, but the key benefit of WizzDev is its team’s expertise, particularly in the hardware development for AWS-connected systems, so if you’ve got a commercial project and want to be introduced, fill out that form and ipXchange will do the rest. 

Keep designing! 

WizzDev IoT Basic HV2 ESP32 Development Board For AWS

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