After all the attention surrounding our article about Arduino’s Nicla Voice module, we should have immediately realised that one of last year’s Christmas board picks was strikingly similar, albeit a little less powerful, so here’s an ePoster to remind you all about the first Syntiant-based machine-learning miniboard that graced ipXchange.
Indeed, Syntiant’s TinyML board is a little larger and less feature-packed than Arduino’s Nicla Voice module – no magnetometers or Bluetooth – but at less than half the unit price and still benefitting from that extremely low power consumption for a voice recognition / sensory ML device, it’s a very economical way to start playing with Syntiant’s technology in almost all the applications supported by the Nicla Voice; wearables and smart home devices certainly come to mind.
An additional pro for Syntiant’s TinyML board is that, unlike the Nicla Voice, there is a microSD card slot that allows for long-term remote data collection, which we think is the key differentiator between these two development platforms and where you might want to put them to use. Let’s be clear, we at ipXchange love Arduino’s Nicla modules, but we can’t ignore that cost is an important factor for engineers, so if you don’t require the additional functionality, we’ve got you covered!
Learn more about Syntiant’s TinyML board on the board page below, and decide for yourself which of the Nicla Voice or TinyML boards best suits your commercial project before applying to evaluate the technology.
Keep designing!