The semiconductor shortage has recovered, but not entirely, so how can you keep up with which components are safe and which still have ultra-long lead times? Well, ipXchange found the people to talk to: WIN SOURCE!
For our first interview from Hardware Pioneers Max 2024, ipXchange is proud to present Lynae Chen from WIN SOURCE. We’ve seen Lynae and her team at many of the shows that we’ve been to, so as a distributor that focusses on securing your component supply chain, WIN SOURCE seemed like the perfect company to ask about the current state of the semiconductor shortage, and how to survive it!
ipXchange posed several questions to Lynae in preparation for this discussion, covering the following topics:
- What is the current state of the semiconductor shortage?
- What are WIN SOURCE’s strategies for securing component supply chains?
- How does WIN SOURCE keep its customers updated and supported?
- Which types of components are still hard to get, and which have recovered?
This interview provides some food for thought on component supply chains in the wake of the ongoing semiconductor shortage and explains how WIN SOURCE helps engineers secure their bills-of-material for their latest projects.
If you like what you heard and are having trouble sourcing components from some of the biggest names in the industry – STMicroelectronics, NXP, Texas Instruments, etc. – head to WIN SOURCE’s website and take a look at the line card.
Hey, ipXchange understands that it’s not only disruptive technology you’re after, so do yourself a favour and keep your component supply chain secure. The semiconductor shortage is not quite over…
Keep designing!
Struggling with sourcing? Check out our interview with Memorysolution for a more specialist approach: