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A compact cellular IoT development board that ticks all the boxes: Discovering Conexio’s Stratus!

In a change of usual host for our ipXperience interviews, Eamon chats with Rajeev Piyare about his pandemic project that became a business.

Conexio’s Stratus, and soon-to-be-released Stratus Pro, is a feature-packed development board that is perfect for building IoT devices that require Global cellular connectivity and GNSS capabilities, built around Nordic’s top-class nRF9160 SiP and soon-to-be-released nRF9161 SiP respectively.

In addition to this powerful heart that ipXchange has evangelised about on numerous occasions, Stratus features onboard sensors for temperature, pressure, humidity, and 3-axis motion – great for asset monitoring during long-duration tracking applications – in addition to the 26 mixed-signal GPIOs for anything else you may want to add to your system. It also ships with out-of-the-box cellular connectivity that includes 500 MB of data, valid for 10 years with no lock-in or hidden fees.

What sets the Stratus board apart from anything else we have seen before at ipXchange – in terms of a compact, single-board platform that can be integrated into an end product – is the clear focus and consideration that has gone into how a designer will deliver power to their IoT device.

Stratus features an e-peas solar energy harvesting PMIC, a LiPo battery connector with onboard battery charging-and-monitoring systems, and – best of all – a dedicated ON/OFF switch that allows developers to power-off the device without removing the battery!

We truly hope you enjoy this discussion about a board for designers by a designer, and you can learn more about Conexio’s Stratus boards on our boards page, where there is far more information on the connectivity and online services it supports. You can also apply to evaluate this technology for use in a commercial project by filling out our simple form, and ipXchange will set you up for a call with our newest official partner.

Keep designing!

Conexio Stratus And Stratus Pro IoT Development Boards

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