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Ask an ipXpert: Everything to consider when creating an IoT device

In a brand-new content format, ipXchange presents our first “Ask an ipXpert” segment, a long-form chat with an industry expert about a topic of interest to design engineers. If there’s anything you want to learn more about – security, AI, environmental sensing, etc. – comment below, and we’ll try to find an expert in that field! 

This first chat comes off the back of last week’s ipXperience with Libelium, where Guy discussed the modular, quick-to-market Waspmote IoT platform with Javier Solobera. This time, our resident tech-head Eamon sits down with Javier as he talks us through every consideration an engineer should make when designing and choosing a (good) IoT platform: 

-> Hardware – sensors, communications, control, power, etc. 
-> Software – programming, data management, security, etc. 
-> Processes – marketing, sales, manufacturing, installation, etc. 
-> “Intangibles” – reliability, flexibility, certifications, etc. 
-> Price – subscriptions to networks, maintenance, cloud costs, etc. 

After this rundown, in which Eamon asks a few questions to help clarify some points that he thinks might not be obvious to all designers, he and Javier have an in-depth discussion about the different wireless protocols used for IoT and what considerations must be taken based on your application, location, local infrastructure, and more. 

Libelium Waspmote IoT Development Platform

Learn more about Libelium’s platform here, where you can also apply to evaluate any of their technology for use in a commercial project, with an extremely short development time if need be:

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