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Cooler! Smaller! <2% the power consumption! A true revolution in vacuum tube technology

New. Music. Always. These are the three words that KORG lives by, and while the musicians among you will know this company well for their market-leading musical-instrument and audio innovations, ipXchange cannot ignore that KORG has also made a key disruption at the component level.

Anyone aware of the history of amplification will be familiar with the humble vacuum tube – “valve” on our side of the Atlantic – but for the past half a decade or so, KORG have been using their sleek, modernised version of this technology – the Nutube – in a myriad of musical products, whether that be for use in an amplifier design or as part of an oscillator circuit.

As illustrated on another ePoster, the Nutube shrinks the traditional dual-triode valve design into a PCB-mountable package that offers improved lifetime and impressive power savings while retaining the revered characteristics of older valve technology for boutique audio applications.

There is an application-focussed dev board for this device, but before looking at that, you can learn more about the Nutube in our previous article about this niche-but-game-changing device.

If you’ve got a commercial design and want to partner with KORG, fill out an application form using the link below, and we’ll put you in touch. Rest assured, any products that come of such a collaboration will surely result in an impressive practical demo from Eamon, so don’t be shy about a follow-up interview when your project goes to market.

Keep designing!

KORG Nutube NEB-2 Evaluation Board

Looking for warm audio at a fraction of the power consumption?

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