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Smaller-BOM, better-performance NFC with Renesas

Renesas now has you covered for the most streamlined NFC setups in compact IoT devices.

Renesas always has great demos at Embedded World, so ipXchange is pleased to present the first of two interviews from 2024’s exhibition.

In this first part, Eamon chats with Alessandro about the NFC portion of the smart look demo coming in part 2. This build uses Renesas’ PTX105R NFC reader chip, which you may remember from ipXchange’s early days talking to Panthronics, who have since joined the Renesas family.

The PTX105R is a mid-to-entry-level NFC device that is well suited for compact IoT applications thanks to its ability to operate using an antenna 4-5 times smaller than those required by conventional NFC reader setups.

In contrast to most NFC technologies, Renesas’ solution also uses a sine-wave NFC front-end architecture that results in much less electromagnetic interference and requires no EMI filter components. This ultimately results in a much smaller Bill Of Materials (BOM) and a more compact footprint on your PCB.

As shown in this interview, the PTX105R can be evaluated for fast prototyping using the Pmod-type board with Renesas’ microcontroller development boards. All the software is readily available so you can get started immediately without any prior experience with NFC technology.

Learn more about the PTX105R by following the link to the board page below, where you can apply to evaluate this technology today for use in your commercial projects. There’s also a link on that page to Renesas’ Quick-Connect IoT Platform, which makes development with these devices super easy.

Keep designing!

Love seeing Renesas at Embedded World? Check out our interviews from 2023:

A person detection system running on the World’s first Cortex-M85 MCU

Modular IoT platform enables rapid prototyping with software to support virtual builds

Renesas PTX105R Quick Connect PMOD Board

Want NFC for your next IoT design and need to save on board space and BOM?

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