pmd’s plug-in-and-play depth-sensing development kit for their flexx2 3D depth camera features pmd’s latest Time-of-Flight image sensor with 38k 3D pixels (HQVGA 224 x 172 resolution), 56° x 44° Field-of-View, and an upgraded VCSEL emitter (850 nm to 940 nm wavelength) for precise depth measurements from 10 cm up to 4 meters at up to 60 fps.
With flexible working ranges and frame rates, the kit is the perfect tool for developers who want to be ahead of their time, and once a design engineer has evaluated the technology, an OEM version of the flexx2, without the casing, is available for end-product integration. That said, while the kit has extensive certification, including CE, RoHS, and Eyesafety IEC60825-1:2014 Laserclass 1, the OEM version does not, and all certification must be done by the end-device engineering team.
The flexx2 device comes in a 71.9 x 19.2 x 10.6 mm package with a new, more robust USB 3.0 Type-C port, multiple built-in user modes, and a power consumption of 570 – 680 mW. The device supports night vision and has increased sunlight robustness with a loss of only 10% of the maximum range at 100K Lumens (full sunlight). An updated software development kit, ‘Royale’, and API support the development of countless exciting and industry-changing projects, with sensing accuracy ≤1% of distance (0.5 – 4 m @ 5 fps) or ≤2% of distance (0.1 – 1m @ 45 fps) enabled by the IRS2381C Infineon® REAL3™ 3D Image Sensor at the heart of the device.
(All images sourced from pmd)