Did you know that from June 2024, the new UNECE regulation 155 will require that all new vehicles be cybersecurity tested, with yearly checks to ensure the system is still secure against new threats? Well, dissecto just made it very easy to keep on top of that!
At Embedded World 2024, ipXchange chatted to Alex about HydraVision, dissecto’s automotive cybersecurity platform. HydraVision helps you to test your automotive cybersecurity system before going to market so that your vehicles are safe from hackers who may want to steal your data, or indeed the car itself.
dissecto’s HydraVision platform as a service enables manufacturers to have a vehicle’s ECU hosted with dissecto in a fully certified datacentre so that it can be constantly tested over the whole lifetime of the product. HydraVision can run a whole library of standardised tests, or the user’s own tests, to see how well the vehicle stands up to external cyberattacks.
The HydraVision online portal allows companies to see what’s happening with their ECU and what threats they need to build resilience against as time goes by, and how bad these threats might be. They can then manage the testing process of each part of the car’s software without having to go over the whole thing from scratch.
dissecto supports the complete software testing process from requirement engineering to serial support, so don’t be left behind when UNECE R155 comes into full force. Follow the link to the board page below and apply for a consultation with dissecto to get your automotive cybersecurity journey started.
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